ISAAC's Love in Action fundraiser

Heart of the Rockies is a strong supporter of ISAAC (Interfaith Solidarity and Accompaniment Coalition) in Northern Colorado. ISAAC draws on the teachings of our faith to work in solidarity for human dignity and the creation of welcoming communities. Their 3rd Annual Love in Action fundraiser will be held on Saturday, February 22—more details will be forthcoming, so mark your calendar now!

In the past year, ISAAC has provided support, including 172 scholarships, for local families and individuals with complex legal cases. They’ve served 60 families experiencing a health crisis or the death of loved ones. Newcomer Winter Gear was provided for 120 youth in our local schools. Professional development fellowships, workforce training, intergenerational leadership opportunities, and conflict resolution and coaching for tenants and landlords are just a few more of the ways ISAAC has helped newcomers to our community.

Look for more information coming soon and join in celebration of service that provides a voice of welcome to all!