October 16, 2024
God’s Beloved—
The stories we share together, the stories you tell, nourish my Spirit. When you share the ways you have witnessed God at work in your life, I am better able to notice the ways God is at work in my own life. That’s why I’m so excited to hear a few more of those stories in worship in the coming weeks, as we imagine together the ways God will continue to be at work through us and with us.
The ministry of our church happens because of the generous financial and volunteer support of each one of you. Because of you, dear one, and because of GOD, we are able to imagine together the future into which God calls us. Thank you!
Personally, I give financially to Heart of the Rockies because I believe in the work that we’re doing. We imagined together a dream for affordable housing in our backyard, and now the apartments of Heartside Hill rise up beside us. We imagined together a place of true belonging, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, and now our kids know, with deep certainty, that they will be loved fiercely no matter who they grow to love or who they grow to be. We imagined together that we might spend our time, energy, and resources loving God, serving others, and changing lives, and now my life, at the very least, has been changed by your commitment to loving God and loving neighbor.
While there are many ways to support the mission and ministry of our congregation, it’s at this time of year that we ask everyone to think particularly and prayerfully about the choices we make with our money in support of the church.
I hope you will join me in making a commitment to give to our General Fund and Building Reserve this coming year. You can learn more about the purpose of each of these funds in the “Pockets of Giving” brochure.
God has done and continues to do remarkable things through us and with us—things that matter in our community! Gifts to our congregation make this possible. Please join me in turning in an estimate of giving card with your intention for giving in the coming year.
Grateful for the ministry & journey we share,
Rev. Wendy Davidson, Pastor
See our narrative budget for 2025 by clicking here.